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System connector

The System connector provides information and metrics about the currently running Trino cluster. It makes this available via normal SQL queries.


The System connector doesn't need to be configured: it is automatically available via a catalog named system.

Using the System connector

List the available system schemas:


List the tables in one of the schemas:

SHOW TABLES FROM system.runtime;

Query one of the tables:

SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes;

Kill a running query:

CALL system.runtime.kill_query(query_id => '20151207_215727_00146_tx3nr', message => 'Using too many resources');

System connector tables


The catalogs table contains the list of available catalogs.


The schema properties table contains the list of available properties that can be set when creating a new schema.


The table properties table contains the list of available properties that can be set when creating a new table.


The materialized views table contains the following information about all materialized views:

Metadata for materialized views
catalog_nameName of the catalog containing the materialized view.
schema_nameName of the schema in catalog_name containing the materialized view.
nameName of the materialized view.
storage_catalogName of the catalog used for the storage table backing the materialized view.
storage_schemaName of the schema in storage_catalog used for the storage table backing the materialized view.
storage_tableName of the storage table backing the materialized view.
is_freshFlag to signal if data in the storage table is up to date. Queries on the materialized view access the storage table if true, otherwise the definition is used to access the underlying data in the source tables.
ownerUsername of the creator and owner of the materialized view.
commentUser supplied text about the materialized view.
definitionSQL query that defines the data provided by the materialized view.


The materialized view properties table contains the list of available properties that can be set when creating a new materialized view.


The table comments table contains the list of table comment.


The nodes table contains the list of visible nodes in the Trino cluster along with their status.


The optimizer_rule_stats table contains the statistics for optimizer rule invocations during the query planning phase. The statistics are aggregated over all queries since the server start-up. The table contains information about invocation frequency, failure rates and performance for optimizer rules. For example, you can look at the multiplication of columns invocations and average_time to get an idea about which rules generally impact query planning times the most.


The queries table contains information about currently and recently running queries on the Trino cluster. From this table you can find out the original query SQL text, the identity of the user who ran the query, and performance information about the query, including how long the query was queued and analyzed.


The tasks table contains information about the tasks involved in a Trino query, including where they were executed, and how many rows and bytes each task processed.


The transactions table contains the list of currently open transactions and related metadata. This includes information such as the create time, idle time, initialization parameters, and accessed catalogs.

System connector procedures

runtime.kill_query(query_id, message)

Kill the query identified by query_id. The query failure message includes the specified message.

SQL support

The connector provides globally available and read operation statements to access Trino system data and metadata.