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Atop connector

The Atop connector supports reading disk utilization statistics from the Atop (Advanced System and Process Monitor) Linux server performance analysis tool.


In order to use this connector, the host on which the Trino worker is running needs to have the atop tool installed locally.

Connector configuration

The connector can read disk utilization statistics on the Trino cluster. Create a catalog properties file that specifies the Atop connector by setting the to atop.

For example, create the file etc/catalog/ and replace the connector properties as appropriate for your setup:

Configuration properties

Property nameDefault valueRequiredDescription
atop.concurrent-readers-per-node1YesThe number of concurrent read operations allowed per node.
atop.executable-path(none)YesThe file path on the local file system for the atoputility.
atop.executable-read-timeout1msYesThe timeout when reading from the atop process.
atop.max-history-days30YesThe maximum number of days in the past to take into account for statistics.
atop.securityALLOW_ALLYesThe access control for the connector.
atop.time-zoneSystem defaultYesThe time zone identifier in which the atop data is collected. Generally the timezone of the host. Sample time zone identifiers:Europe/Vienna, +0100, UTC.


The Atop connector provides a default schema.

The tables exposed by this connector can be retrieved by running SHOW TABLES:

SHOW TABLES FROM system_monitor.default;
(2 rows)

The disks table offers disk utilization statistics recorded on the Trino node.

Disks columns
host_ipvarcharTrino worker IP
start_timetimestamp(3) with time zoneInterval start time for the statistics
end_timetimestamp(3) with time zoneInterval end time for the statistics
device_namevarcharLogical volume/hard disk name
utilization_percentdoubleThe percentage of time the unit was busy handling requests
io_timeinterval day to secondTime spent for I/O
read_requestsbigintNumber of reads issued
sectors_readbigintNumber of sectors transferred for reads
write_requestsbigintNumber of writes issued
sectors_writtenbigintNumber of sectors transferred for write

The reboots table offers information about the system reboots performed on the Trino node.

Reboots columns
host_ipvarcharTrino worker IP
power_on_timetimestamp(3) with time zoneThe boot/reboot timestamp

SQL support

The connector provides globally available and read operation statements to access system and process monitor information on your Trino nodes.